If you look closely enough at his record, you will see that Donald Kerry Frey is far more than a tech entrepreneur. His passion for information and his desire for better information consumption has been guiding his entrepreneurial spirit for a number of years. He strongly believes it is possible for everyone to become a better consumer of information. What does that mean? It means becoming more discerning about the information they consume as well as learning how to best use that information to make their life better and also to make the world a better place.

That is the founding principle upon which Donald Kerry Frey founded his news website, the Nova Tribune (novatribune.org). Donald believes that a balanced approach to information is always the best way to become an informed citizen and that is the basic premise of Nova Tribune news website. The site presents the news in a way that approaches all relevant issues from the perspectives of all sides of any argument. Donald Kerry Frey sees Nova Tribune as an alternative to news consumers.